Store opening hours

Usually establishments in the United Kingdom are open Monday through Saturday from 9:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Away from the capital and other major cities, many stores, establishments, and businesses are not open on Sunday, but in larger cities most stores are likely to be open. In metropolitan areas, especially London, stores are often open until 7:00 p.m. seven days a week. So you have more than enough time to storm the famous malls! Find out actuality information about opening times in UK on

Museum opening hours Of course, it's different for everyone, but most London museums try to stay open late at least once a week. Regional museums, on the other hand, may close a little earlier. So always check opening hours online. For opening times in Australia, please visit

Banks, offices, some stores, restaurants, and tourist attractions are closed on public holidays, also known as bank holidays. Transport services on these days may be irregular or incomplete. Before you travel, check to see if it coincides with any public holidays and work hours. There are usually a lot of interesting activities around the country that you are sure to enjoy.

Bungee Jumping
Bungee Jumping - logo

The BUNGEE CREW would like to invite you to enjoy one of the most spectacular challenges on the Costa Brava.


You’re standing on the edge, about to make a decision; your heart is racing, pure adrenaline is coursing through your veins.

You’re tightly strapped into a full body harness and ankle straps, with both harnesses independently attached to the bungee cord. All the carabiner hooks have spring gates for added security. Every task to prepare you for the jump has been double and triple checked. The activity is based on years of experience and adheres to the U.K. BUNGEE CLUB SYSTEM, with a 100% safety record worldwide!!



Look around one more time...

You’re in a controlled and safe environment. The countdown starts; 3 ... 2 ... 1 ... BUNGEEEEEE!!!

Launch yourself into wide open space... into the void!!!

No words can describe this amazing experience, BUNGEE JUMPING IS THE ULTIMATE ADRENALINE EXPERIENCE.

See you soon.




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